📦 Find and install kubectl plugins
翻译 - 📦查找并安装kubectl插件
A Collection of Plugins for kubectl Integration (exec as any user, context switching, etc).
My own plugins for kubectl
Curated list of kubectl plugins
Sample kubectl plugin
Kubectl plugin for effortless profiling on kubernetes
Set of helpers for creating kubectl commands and plugins.
#大语言模型#✨ Kubectl plugin to create manifests with LLMs
Programmatically generated handy kubectl aliases.
翻译 - 以编程方式生成的方便的kubectl别名。
🧪 kubectl alternative with quick context switching, kubectl on steroids
翻译 - with具有快速上下文切换功能的kubectl替代品,适用于类固醇的kubectl
Exec into node via kubectl
Issue tracker and mirror of kubectl code
翻译 - Kubectl代码的问题跟踪器和镜像
🤔 What happens when I type kubectl run?
Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl
翻译 - 在Kubectl中的集群和命名空间之间切换的更快方法
Deep kubernetes visibility from the kubectl
翻译 - 从Kubectl深入了解kubernetes
Interactive plugin for kubectl
kubectl auto-completion for PowerShell