A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development.
KTX (Khronos Texture) Library and Tools
Load KTX and Basis Universal textures at runtime
🔥Some very useful kotlin extensions for speed android development!好用到爆的Kotlin扩展,加速你的Android开发!
The most comprehensive utils of ViewBinding. (最全面的 ViewBinding 工具,支持 Kotlin 和 Java 用法,支持 BRVAH,支持封装到基类,支持 DataBinding,支持选择是否使用反射)
ktx 취소표 예약 도구 - chrome extension
manage kubernetes cluster configs
Kotlin extension for LiveData, chaining like RxJava
Kotlin extensions (KTX) for the Maps SDK and Utility Library for Android
Moxy is MVP library for Android with incremental annotation processor and ktx features
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM with clean code architecture purely written in Kotlin
Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸Super fast Rust library to get image size and format without loading/decoding. Support avif, bmp, cur, dds, gif, hdr (pic), heic (heif), icns, ico, j2k, jp2, jpeg (jpg), jpx,...
Free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸Cross platform super fast single header c++ library to get image size and format without loading/decoding. Support avif, bmp, cur, dds, gif, hdr (pic), heic (heif), icns, ico...
Number Type Converter, online three.js based 3D viewers: 3DM, 3DS, 3MF, AMF, ASSIMP, BIM, BREP, DAE, DST, FBX, GCODE, GLTF, IFC, IGES, JSON, LDRAW, MMD, OBJ, PCD, PDB, PLY, PRWM, SPLAT, STEP, STL, USD...