Kafka eagle for docker
Storage Kafka Eagle installation package.
单节点的一个kafka容器环境,包括zookeeper、kafka、kafka eagle
A easy and high-performance monitoring system, for comprehensive monitoring and management of kafka cluster.
Used to monitor the consumer status of Kafka clusters, as well as offsets, metadata and other information. http://ke.smartloli.org/
Kafka Eagle used to describe the use of Wiki
It's an awesome Kafka monitoring tool
KCenter(KafkaCenter) is a unified platform for kafka cluster management and maintenance, producer / consumer monitoring, and use of ecological components(ksql/kafka connect).it's kafkacenter(kafka ce...
翻译 - KafkaCenter是一个统一的一站式平台,用于Kafka群集管理和维护,生产者/消费者监视以及生态组件的使用。
Docker suppport for Kafka Eagle
Eagle PCB Parts Libraries
SparkFun's Public Eagle PCB Footprints
Mirror of Apache Eagle
Eagle Libraries
Moteino Eagle project and library
Eagle library for the ESP8266
Eagle LBR-EX Part Library Repository
library eagle arduino mega2560
Eagle VCS Image Export
Converters from EAGLE to Fritzing file format
Kafka Docker for development. Kafka, Zookeeper, Schema Registry, Kafka-Connect, , 20+ connectors
Symbols and Footprints for CadSoft Eagle