Jenkins scm-sync-configuration plugin
Gerrit SCM plugin for Jenkins CI
Project for exercising Hello World pipeline in Jenkins, using Pipeline Script from SCM option
A Jenkins pluging providing repo as an SCM
Jenkins filesystem_scm plugin
Jenkins plugin that defines an API for Jenkins to publish checks to SCM platforms.
With this plugin, you can use jenkins build artifact as a repository, and deploy your build artifact with capistrano.
Automatically create Jenkins jobs from template jobs and branches in a SCM repository
Jenkins synergy_scm plugin
Jenkins 是一个流行的CI/CD平台。用于持续的软件版本发布、测试项目,监控外部调用执行的工作
Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse
Docker official jenkins repo
the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
企业框架 scm erp wms
Adds Wiki macros related to SCM
Learning Jenkins
Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin
翻译 - Jenkins配置为代码插件
Dingtalk for jenkins
Ansible Role - Jenkins CI
Jenkins GitHub plugin
Jenkins ec2 plugin
Jenkins Build Monitor Plugin
Monorepo vs. polyrepo: architecture for source code management (SCM) version control systems (VCS)
Visualizes Jenkins pipelines