An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
Apache Cordova JavaScript Bridge
android java and javascript bridge, inspired by wechat webview jsbridge
翻译 - android java和javascript桥,灵感来自微信webview jsbridge
React Native Webview with Javascript Bridge
🌉 A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
🌏 A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
Write iOS apps in Javascript! JavaScriptBridge provides the way to write iOS apps with JavaScript. Powered by JavaScriptCore.framework.
WebViewJavascriptBridge for Android
🌎 A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
翻译 - :earth_americas:现代的跨平台JavaScript桥,通过它,您可以在JavaScript和本机之间同步或异步调用彼此的功能。
An Android bridge for sending messages between Java and JavaScript in WebView. and this is also a mirror of which supports IOS platforms.
JavaScript WebSocket to TCP bridge
javascript bridge android/ios webview
Python bridge to JSX & the React JavaScript library.
a javascript bridge for iOS app to interact with h5 web view
iOS JavaScript to Objective-C Bridge. Enables method calls and communication between JavaScript & Objective-C.
Bridge JavaScript objects from the main process to the renderer process in Electron.
The RSS feed for websites missing it
翻译 - 网站缺少的RSS供稿
Python ODBC bridge
to facilitate data exchange between Excel VBA and Javascript through evoking msscriptcontrol and JSON-parse