Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
翻译 - 针对浏览器和node.js的简单JavaScript测试框架
Jasmine ruby gem
翻译 - 茉莉红宝石
jQuery matchers and fixture loader for Jasmine framework
Integration of Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js
Source for Jasmine's documentation
#博客#A Typecho Theme. 一款 Typecho 主题。专为博客类网站开发,响应式设计,在移动端也有不错体验。主要使用白、灰、黑三种配色,整体简洁、精致、美观。
A Karma plugin - adapter for Jasmine testing framework.
Reporter classes for the jasmine test framework. Includes JUnitXmlReporter for generating junit xml output for running in CI environments like Jenkins.
Jasmine-jquery plugin for Jasmine in Karma
jasmine-ajax - A library for faking Ajax responses in your Jasmine suite.
Jasmine matchers for Sinon.JS
Jasmine/Jest assertions for enzyme
A jasmine runner for node projects.
(unsupported) Jasmine JsTestDriver Adapter. Write Jasmine BDD code, and run it on JsTD.
Jasmine... for python projects!
ESLint rules for Jasmine
Jasmine Plugin for Vim
a Jasmine runner for Phantom.js
Adapter for Jasmine-to-WebDriverJS
Run jasmine specs headlessly through Headless Chrome
Grunt task for running jasmine-node