Home Assistant integration framework for (garbage collection) schedules
Python-based continuous integration testing framework; your pull requests are more than welcome!
翻译 - 基于Python的持续集成测试框架;欢迎您提出请求!
Apache Camel 是一个实现EIP(企业集成模式)的框架,使您能够快速轻松地集成各种消费或生产数据的系统。
Integration of TensorFlow with other open-source frameworks
Swagger integration to Phoenix framework
Integration of Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js
Streamline Integration Framework
A Framework for the Volumetric Integration of Depth Images
Apache InLong(应龙)是一个一站式海量数据集成框架,提供自动、安全、可靠和高性能的数据传输能力,同时支持批和流,方便业务构建基于流式的数据分析、建模和应用。
Clojure integration testing framework
Framework for automated integration tests with focus on messaging integration
Symfony Framework Integration for HTTPlug
Plugin Framework for Spring (PF4J - Spring Framework integration)
Framework integration with PyTest
Silk Linked Data Integration Framework
An integration test framework for React Native.
Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework
Integration for Zend Framework and Doctrine
🦄 Spring rapid development integration framework.
Integration between the Spring testing framework and DBUnit
kaminari paginator integration for grape API framework