Android orm, bitmap, http, view inject...
翻译 - Android Orm,位图,http,视图注入...
SNI Injecting tool for free internet (HTTP Injector)
A fork of selinux-inject ( )
XSS HTTP Inject0r is a proof of concept tool that shows how XSS (Cross Site Scripting) flags can be exploited easily. It is written in HTML + Javascript + PHP and released under GPLv3.
A-Developer1412 - HTTP Proxy Injector
Connect to SSH via Proxy with custom payloads!
HTTP Injector implementation on embedded device running OpenWRT/LEDE
⚓ A kubernetes add-on that automatically injects TLS/HTTPS certificates into your containers
Metodo EHI Proxy SSH + Http Injector + PAYLOAD
Python dependency injection framework, inspired by Guice
Powershell VNC injector
Literally, the perfect injector.
A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
翻译 - 适用于Android和Java的快速依赖关系注入器。
x64/x86 shellcode injector
Injector for Horion
Package inject provides a reflect based injector.
翻译 - 包注入提供基于反射的注入器。
Payday 2 Better Lua injecTor
Shaders for ReShade injector
DNCI - Dot Net Code Injector