Fallback to index.html for applications that are using the HTML 5 history API
♻️ Simple fallback for Express-served single page apps that use the HTML5 History API for client side routing.
Fallback to index.html for applications that are using the HTML 5 history API
base 'connect-history-api-fallback'
Dependency free file server for single page app development
翻译 - 接近金属和无依赖服务器的单页面应用程序开发
Koa adapter for connect-history-api-fallback
Fallback to index.html for applications that are using the HTML 5 history API
Use the browser's History API for Ember.js routing and fallback to hash on older browsers
Connect history api fallback
A source code history analyzer API
HTML5 History API expansion for browsers not supporting pushState, replaceState
Declarative routing for Hyperapp V1 using the History API.
The missing star history graph of GitHub repos - https://star-history.com
翻译 - github仓库遗失的星星历史图
WKWebView with UIWebView fallback for iOS.
A PHP API to parse weather data and weather history from OpenWeatherMap.org.
React.js <img> tag rendering with multiple fallback & loader support
翻译 - 具有多个后备和加载器支持的React.js <img>标签呈现
The new navigation API provides a new interface for navigations and session history, with a focus on single-page application navigations.
翻译 - 应用程序历史记录API提供了一种以Web应用程序为重点的方法,用于管理相同起点的相同框架历史记录条目和导航。
Manage session history with JavaScript
翻译 - 使用JavaScript管理会话历史记录
Unofficial Apex Legends API provided by apexlegendsapi.com / Apex Legends match history available.
A circuit-breaker pattern implementation with fallback support.
Understand your Git history!
翻译 - 了解您的Git历史!
Kubernetes History Visualization
翻译 - Kubernetes历史可视化
Universal HLS HTML5 video player with flash fallback
[ARCHIVED] this is ancient history