PostgreSQL cloud native High Availability and more.
翻译 - PostgreSQL云原生高可用性等。
oceanbase 是蚂蚁集团自主研发的原生分布式数据库,连续 9 年稳定支撑双 11,凭借高性能和高可用真正实现应用无限扩展和服务永远在线 ,致力于为企业核心系统提供稳定可靠的数据底座。
A high available,high performance distributed messaging system.
A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
翻译 - 具有水平可伸缩性和高可用性的分布式快速开源图形数据库
#数据库#CockroachDB 是一款云原生分布式SQL数据库
A template for PostgreSQL High Availability with Etcd, Consul, ZooKeeper, or Kubernetes
翻译 - 使用ZooKeeper,etcd或Consul的PostgreSQL高可用性模板
Service to replicate InfluxDB data for high availability
Docker Mastery Udemy course to build, compose, deploy, and manage containers from local development to high-availability in the cloud
翻译 - Udemy课程,用于构建,组合,部署和管理容器,从本地开发到云中的高可用性
MoHA(Mobike High Availability): A MySQL/Postgres high availability supervisor
High availability RabbitMQ client
Seata compatible high availability server
翻译 - 兼容Seata的高可用性服务器
High Availability Raft Framework for Go
Fastjs is a useful, lightweight JavaScript library for any types of project.
Pacemaker High Availability for PostgreSQL
A High Scalability Solution for MySQL Clustering and High Availability
A fast, high availability, fully Redis compatible store.
Open Source,High Availability Cluster,based on MySQL
Pacemaker High Availability resource agents for OpenStack
A high-availability, high-throughput and highly reliable distributed queue based on the Paxos algorithm.
翻译 - 基于Paxos算法的高可用性,高吞吐量和高度可靠的分布式队列。
Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
rest api web server based on go(High availability, high security, high performance)