Apache HAWQ
Quantization library for PyTorch. Support low-precision and mixed-precision quantization, with hardware implementation through TVM.
Prototype PXF extensions for HAWQ
a native c/c++ hdfs client (downstream fork from apache-hawq)
Mirror of Apache Hawq site
Mirror of Apache HAWQ Documentation
Geohashing library for HAWQ, Greenplum DB, PostgreSQL
zData Ambari Stack containing HAWQ, Chorus, and Greenplum
Use Vagrant and Ambari Blueprint API to install PivotalHD 3.0 (or Hortonworks HDP2.x) Hadoop cluster with HAWQ 1.3 (SQL on Hadoop) and Spring XD 1.2
如果你在从事大数据BI的工作,想对比一下MySQL、GreenPlum、Elasticsearch、Hive、Spark SQL、Presto、Impala、Drill、HAWQ、Druid、Pinot、Kylin、ClickHouse、Kudu等不同实现方案之间的表现,那你就需要一份标准的数据进行测试,这个开源项目就是为了生成这样的标准数据。