So your teacher asked you to upload written assignments? Hate writing assigments? This tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xD
翻译 - 因此,您的老师要您上传书面作业?讨厌写作作业?该工具将帮助您将文本转换为手写xD
Handwriting Synthesis with RNNs ✏️
Handwriting Recognition System based on a deep Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network architecture
OCR software for recognition of handwritten text
Code from the paper "High-Performance Brain-to-Text Communication via Handwriting"
手写各种js Promise、apply、call、bind、new、deepClone....
Implementation of handwriting generation with use of recurrent neural networks in tensorflow. Based on Alex Graves paper (
Convert typed text to realistic handwriting!
翻译 - 将键入的文本转换为逼真的笔迹!
Realistic Handwriting with Tensorflow
HTML5 Chinese Handwriting Recognition / Webase Chinese Handwriting Recognition
Plain text to handwriting generator.
Open source traditional chinese handwriting dataset.
Working on a handwriting font
翻译 - 处理手写字体
Handwriting Recognition using ML.NET
Free, open-source Chinese handwriting recognition in Javascript
Make use of touchpad for handwriting in Windows
A small JS library for beautiful drawing and handwriting on the HTML Canvas.
React component with handwriting recognition provided by MyScript
A simple python script to convert the text into your handwriting
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements