gyroflow 是一个可以通过陀螺仪和加速传感器,稳定视频防抖动的应用程序
[INACTIVE LEGACY VERSION, FIND THE PROJECT HERE:] Video stabilization using IMU motion data from internal or external logs
翻译 - 使用GoPro的陀螺仪数据或外部日志进行WIP视频稳定
mirror repo cloned from bitbucket
A ROS package tool to analyze the IMU performance.
JavaScript project for accessing and normalizing the accelerometer and gyroscope data on mobile devices
A tool for PC gamers to play games with DualShock 4, DualSense, JoyCon, and Switch Pro Controllers. Gyro aiming, flick stick.
翻译 - PC游戏玩家使用DualShock 4s,JoyCons和Pro Controller玩游戏的工具。陀螺仪瞄准,轻弹棒。
Demo for Image auto sliding with GyroscopeSensor
Firmware for FC based gyro logger device
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to fuse GPS coordinates, Altitude, Velocity(NED), Accelerometer X, Accelerometer Y, Accelerometer Z, Gyro X, Gyro Y, Gyro Z, Magnetometer X, Magnetometer Y and Magnetomete...
Software for "Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering"
Modify the raw ORB-SLAM, using odometer-gyro preintegration aided
Arduino library for MPU9250 Nine-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass) MEMS MotionTracking™ Device
Raising awareness of what you can do with a smartphones gyro sensors in web browsers
翻译 - 提升人们对使用Web浏览器中的智能手机陀螺仪传感器的认识
Convolutional Neural Networks for Denoising Gyroscopes of Low-Cost IMUs
Robust Gyroscope-Aided Camera Self-Calibration (codes)
Converts Betaflight blackbox gyro to MP4 GoPro Meta data so it can be used with ReelSteady GO
Gesture Recognition from accelerometer and gyro via MLP using MXNet on Raspberry Pi
9 DoF sensor fusion with AHRS output for MPU-6050 gyro/accel + HMC5883 magnetometer sensor
Making DIY servo gimbal with 3-servo motor, MPU6050 GYRO sensor and Powered with Arduino UNO
App to add Steam Controller's motion support to Cemuhook
Physical Cube using ESP32, Acc+Gyro and Bluetooth LE displayed in a Browser - A WebBluetooth experiment
UNSTABLE - WIP !!! Micropython library to interface with GY521 (Invensense MPU-6050 6-axis accel+gyro)
用陀螺仪玩安卓MC!Play Android MC with your phone's Gyro !