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翻译 - 有关此开源社区如何工作的准则
Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library
Unity GUID Regenerator
Guid Generator for Microsoft PowerToys Run
A fault-tolerant network service for meaningful GUID generation
C# HWID Changer 🔑︎ Disk, Guid, Mac, Gpu, Pc-Name, Win-ID, EFI, SMBIOS Spoofing [Usermode]
unity GUID查看项目资源使用情况工具 http://blog.ihaiu.com/unity-GUIDRef
This is an example project to demonstrate the creation of sequential GUID values for use as primary keys in database tables under various database types.
TrinityCore DataBase Developer Tool
2023 iOS引导遮罩蒙版弹窗+UI&事件&动画解耦,:A perfect iOS mask view that help you to present custom view and guid page.User dont need to care about animations and events.
Generates random data including name, address, mothers maiden name, geo coordinates, phone, age, birthday, zodiac signs, email, username, password, credit card, employment, height, weight ,tracking nu...
安卓设备唯一标识解决方案,可替代移动安全联盟(MSA)统一 SDK 闭源方案。包括国内手机厂商的开放匿名标识(OAID)、海外手机平台的安卓广告标识(AAID),另外也提供了 IMEI/MEID、AndroidID、WidevineID、PseudoID、GUID 等常见的设备标识的获取方法。
基于Microsoft Visual Studio 2008环境(具体项目类型为“其他项目类型”→“扩展性”→“Visual Studio 外接程序”),用C#语言开发实现的Visual Studio扩展插件,对.NET项目开发很有用,可以批量执行任务,包括折叠和展开所有项目,批量修改项目的目标平台、输出路径、生成事件和.NET版本,批量创建和加载项目,快速智能修改项目的dll引用、添加dll引用...