谷歌开源的Java JSON 序列化/反序列化库
Gson 解析容错框架,愿从此再无 Json 解析报错
AutoValue Extension to add Gson De/Serializer support
Sample app showcasing Android Networking with OkHttp, Volley and Gson. Check out the article to further explanation.
[DEPRECATED]: Prefer Moshi, Jackson, Gson, or LoganSquare
Generate Java types from JSON or JSON Schema and annotate those types for data-binding with Jackson, Gson, etc
翻译 - 从JSON或JSON Schema生成Java类型,并注释这些类型以便与Jackson,Gson等进行数据绑定
GeoJSON support for Google gson library
Fruit for Html just like Gson for Json.
Android express app use zxing&volley&gson&material design
A set of Gson serialiser/deserialisers for dealing with Joda Time entities.
Android App using MVP + Retrofit + OkHttp + Dagger2 + Gson + Glide + Realm
generate cpp code for packing object to json,and unpacking json to obejct. and it base on acl::json
Annotation processor to create immutable objects and builders. Feels like Guava's immutable collections but for regular value objects. JSON, Jackson, Gson, JAX-RS integrations included
IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio plugin
MVVM 架构,使用到的库rxjava2 + retrofit2 + databinding+ dagger2+Gson 等等