"Maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-node-plugin to end all maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-plugins." A Maven plugin that downloads/installs Node and NPM locally, runs NPM install, Grunt, Gulp and/or Karma.
翻译 - “ Maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-node-plugin终止所有maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-plugins。”一个Maven插件,可在本地下载/安装Node和NPM,并运行NPM安装,Grunt,Gulp和/或Karma。
Grunt plugin for Bower
Grunt plugin for Karma.
Grunt plugin for Babel
Grunt.js plugin - Increment package version.
DEPRECATED: Please use https://github.com/10up/generator-wp-make instead.
Grunt plugin for converting AngularJS templates to JavaScript
A Grunt plugin for running protractor runner.
Grunt + Maven integration done right
A grunt plugin to generate javascript doc by running jsdoc3 on your grunt projects.
A Grunt plugin to help bind Grunt tasks to Git hooks
Depcheck grunt plugin
Grunt plugin for Takana (drop-in replacement for grunt-sass)
Maven plugin for npm / bower / grunt-gulp build
Grunt plugin for creating screenshots of any site and compare them
A Grunt plugin for commiting code to your Screeps account
Grunt plugin for HTML validation, using the official Nu Html Checker (v.Nu)
Create a jQuery plugin with grunt-init, including QUnit unit tests.
Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
翻译 - Grunt:JavaScript Task Runner
Generates a git changelog, CLI or grunt plugin, inspired & based on Angular JS changelog generator
Run grunt tasks concurrently
Grunt wrapper for criticalcss
Git commands for grunt.