A little like that j-thing, only in Go.
翻译 - 有点像j的东西,仅在Go中。
Provide a shell like interface by utilizing osquery's distributed API
A declarative struct-tag-based HTML unmarshaling or scraping package for Go built on top of the goquery library
An example web crawler written with Colly and Goquery
🛳 The only public API for retrieving current data on BC Ferries sailings.
A tool to fastly get all javascript sources/files
分布式爬虫项目,本项目支持个性化定制页面解析器二次开发,项目整体采用微服务架构,通过消息队列实现消息的异步发送,使用到的框架包括:redigo, gorm, goquery, easyjson, viper, amqp, zap, go-micro,并通过Docker实现容器化部署,中间爬虫节点支持水平拓展。