A Pac File of the Whitelisted Websites for the Great Firewall of China (GFW)
BRICKS is a list for all the domains blocked by the Chinese GFW.
This repo includes the artifacts for the USENIX Security 2023 paper How China Detects and Blocks Fully Encrypted Traffic: https://gfw.report/publications/usenixsecurity23/en/
a project aimed to fuck China GFW
bypass GFW (Great FireWall of China) with nginx [note: demo only; your server might soon be blocked if you use this]
Configurations for tinc on routers, for bypassing GFW in China. Can be used to replace OpenVPN solutions.
Probes the Great Firewall of China (GFW) to identify its network processing model (can be used for circumvention subsequently)
SNI fronting rules that bypass GFW in China mainland for a handful of websites
anti-GFW router
翻译 - 防GFW路由器
A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
翻译 - 网络代理工具
An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
翻译 - 无法确定的机制可帮助您绕过GFW。
GFW Domain White List
tool for studying GFW
深入浅出 GFW
The GFW whitelist of AutoProxy format.
Policy Change Index for China (PCI-China)
knock up GFW sni detection in tls client hello
meetup in China
a bash script to help you bypass GFW
China Route for VPN
Golang-China(golangtc.com) Website
翻译 - 中国(golangtc.com)网站
Google(Beijing) hosts generator #FUCK GFW#
Python version of redsocks tailored for anti-GFW