FD/RTM/FWI/TOMO/RayTracing, ISO/VTI/TTI, su/segy/sgy, C/C++/java, MPCH/OpenMPI/OpenMP/CUDA/, CWP/Madagascar
Geophysics for Practicing Geoscientists
Python implementations in geophysical methods: seismic and gravity
Electromagnetic methods in geophysics - open educational resources.
Additional material for computational geophysics course
Tutorials and examples for applied geophysics
MSc Geophysics Seminar on developing Jupyter Notebooks for Geophysics
Wavenumber method
Links for Geophysics & Seismology research
collection of python tools for standard MT data processing
petgem is a parallel and high-order code for active-source (e.g. CSEM) and passive-source (e.g. MT) geophysics electromagnetic modeling in 3D arbitrary marine/land problems under anisotropic conductiv...