A Blazing Fast AI Gateway with integrated Guardrails. Route to 200+ LLMs, 50+ AI Guardrails with 1 fast & friendly API.
WebThings Gateway - a self-hosted web application for monitoring and controlling a building over the web
翻译 - WebThings网关
Manages Envoy Proxy as a Standalone or Kubernetes-based Application Gateway
gRPC-Gateway 是一个 protobuf 插件。它读取 gRPC 服务定义并生成一个反向代理服务器,该服务器将 RESTful HTTP 接口转换为 gRPC,用于来满足维护向后兼容性或那些不支持gRPC的客户端
Janus 是一个通用 WebRTC 服务器
基于Spring 框架和 Spring Cloud 的 API 网关
APISIX 是一个云原生、高性能、可扩展的微服务 API 网关
微服务API聚合网关 An Aggregation API Gateway
The Cloud Native Webhooks Gateway
翻译 - Fast and Secure Webhooks Service.
Dashboard for managing Kong gateway
Kusk-gateway is an OpenAPI-driven API Gateway for Kubernetes
The Helium Gateway
ISO 8583 gateway
Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence 👽
翻译 - PlatformIO是用于嵌入式开发的新一代生态系统:Alien:
Spinnaker API Gateway
MQTT to Prometheus gateway