A frame-semantic parsing system based on a softmax-margin SegRNN.
Frame Semantic Parser based on T5 and FrameNet
SLING - A natural language frame semantics parser
翻译 - SLING-自然语言框架语义解析器
SEMAFOR frame-semantic parser
PyTorch code for "A Graph-Based Neural Model for End-to-End Frame Semantic Parsing" (EMNLP2021)
Multilingual datasets for the paper "Any-language frame-semantic parsing"
Source code for "A Double-Graph Based Framework for Frame Semantic Parsing" @ NAACL 2022
Pytorch implementation for Semantic Segmentation/Scene Parsing on MIT ADE20K dataset
翻译 - MIT ADE20K数据集的语义分割/场景解析的Pytorch实现
A large annotated semantic parsing corpus for developing natural language interfaces.
翻译 - 用于开发自然语言界面的大型带注释的语义分析语料库。
Semantic versioning utilities with the addition of version constraints parsing and checking.
翻译 - 语义版本控制实用程序,其中包含版本约束解析和检查功能。
Materials from the ACL 2018 tutorial on neural semantic parsing
A relation-aware semantic parsing model from English to SQL
[ECCV-2020-oral]-Semantic Flow for Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing
Semantic Flow for Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing
PyTorch Implementation for Unsupervised Person Image Generation with Semantic Parsing Transformation
A Data Blind Approach to the popular Semantic Parsing task NL2SQL
Tracy 是一款实时、纳秒级分辨率的混合帧和采样剖析器,可用于远程或嵌入式遥测游戏和其他应用程序
#UI框架#一个前端 UI 框架,帮助开发者使用对人类友好的HTML语言构建优雅的响应式布局。
📝 Semantic version parsing and comparison for Rust, based on the node-semver package.