QuantStart Forex Backtesting and Live Trading
Foreign exchange rates, Bitcoin price index and currency conversion using ratesapi.io
My Forex algotrading platform in Python - based on my posts at http://jon.io
Designed to trade, retrieve live/history price. Intended to be used to build auto-trading robots, custom trading on FXCM accounts.
Predicting Forex Future Price with Machine Learning
Node.js native library performing technical analysis over an OHLC dataset with use of genetic algorithm
Algorithmic trading and quantitative trading open source platform to develop trading robots (stock markets, forex, crypto, bitcoins, and options).
翻译 - 算法交易和定量交易开源平台可开发交易机器人(股票市场,外汇,加密货币,比特币和期权)。
Forex Time-Series Prediction Using TCN
Simple python bot for trading forex on oanda.com
Quest in pursuit of the Golden Fleece in Forex chaos
Deep LSTM Duel DQN Reinforcement Learning Forex EUR/USD Trader
Machine learning, database, and quant tools for forex trading.
Backtesting and Trading Bots Made Easy for Crypto, Stocks, Options, Futures, FOREX and more
Forex & Equities Trading Strategies using Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Statistical Techniques
A long term short term memory recurrent neural network to predict forex data time series
A machine learning program that is able to recognize patterns inside Forex or stock data
.NET library that provides Forex trading integration with the Oanda V20 REST Api.
🤖📈 EA31337 Libre - free and open source Forex trading robot for MT4/MT5 platforms