A REST client using Feign for MultiPart file upload. It uses Spring HttpMessageConverters.
Reactive Feign client based on Spring WebFlux
Apache Fineract library for accessing a service from a service with correct application permissions
A better feign client library to combine with SpringBoot.
Spring Cloud Feign OkHttp client
Automatically expose Feign Clients to Rest without web controller.
Implements the details of requesting permission to call another microservice on behalf of a user.
Camunda REST client for Java Spring Boot Projects, implemented using Feign
Opinionated libraries for HTTP&JSON-based RPC using Dialogue, Feign, OkHttp as clients and Jetty/Jersey as servers
venus-cloud-feign-对Spring Cloud Feign的增强
Open Feign form encoder
camellia framework by netease-im. provider: 1)redis-proxy, 2)delay-queue, 3)id-gen, 4)enhanced-redis-client, 5)enhanced-hbase-client, 6)enhanced-feign-client, 7)enhanced-spring-cache
Example of using feign with eureka
springboot + springcloud + feign + seata + mybatis + mysql
Guzzle 是一个易扩展的PHP HTTP Client库
🔥A seata samples about springcloud-eureka-feign-mybatis-seata .
Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.
翻译 - 适用于Ruby的简单HTTP和REST客户端,受用于指定操作的微框架语法的启发。
spring-webflux-security spring-feign spring-web spring-webmvc-sercurity
WebSocket client for Python
翻译 - 适用于Python的WebSocket客户端
spring-cloud, spring-cloud-alibaba, nacos, feign, ribbon, eurka, cloud-config, hystrix, seata