C# Extension Methods | Over 1000 extension methods:
Essential Spark extensions and helper methods ✨😲
Collection of extension methods for the XAML WriteableBitmap
Moq extensions for Dapper methods.
Library of IQueryable extension methods to perform searching
C# extension method for fast object cloning.
Extension Methods and Utils for Unity Game Dev
Adding `.Dump()` extension methods to Console Applications, similar to LinqPad's.
An extension for nvim-dap, providing default configurations for python and methods to debug individual test methods or classes.
Fluent Extension Methods for Mono.Cecil
DNTPersianUtils.Core is a collection of Persian helper extension methods
Extension methods for WPF DataGrid enabling binding to T[,]
Some commonly used helper classes, extension methods package
A set of extension methods to complement the ones from System.Linq.Enumerable
A set of extension methods for mocking HttpClient and IHttpClientFactory with Moq.
Lots of useful extension methods for Interface of SolidWorks Api
An extension to Mono.Cecil that provides helper methods for simple method injection.
A collection of Unity UIElements animation extension methods, new animated elements, and examples.
Swan stands for Stuff We All Need. Unosquare's collection of C# extension methods and classes.
An Extension to PHP's standard DOM to add various convinience methods and exceptions by default
A collection of extension methods providing strongly typed routing and link generation for ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.
翻译 - Manifold插入Java以补充其强大的功能,从类型安全的元编程,扩展方法,运算符重载和单元表达式到集成的模板引擎和预处理器。 IntelliJ IDEA中完全支持所有功能。只需将Manifold添加到您的项目并开始利用它。
common tools, methods, extension methods, etc... .net 常用工具类,公共方法,常用扩展方法等,基础类库