C, C++, Python Projects made during my Computer Science studies at Epitech.
翻译 - 我在Epitech的计算机科学学习期间编写的C,C ++,Python项目。
✉️ Epitech Subjects: All the subjects and files related to Epitech PGE Program
Script d'installation pour OS basés LINUX pour travailler à Epitech. CECI NE MARCHERA PAS SI VOUS N'ETES PAS INSCRITS À EPITECH
A curated list of awesome tools used by Epitech students and projects developed at Epitech.
Coding-style checker for Epitech students. This program analyzes your C source files for Epitech coding-style violations.
翻译 - Epitech学生的编码样式检查器。该程序分析您的C源文件中是否存在Epitech编码风格的违规行为。
Un conteneur Docker pour les étudiants EPITECH
A cross-platform Epitech intranet application with awesome features
Projets de piscine Epitech de première année
Almost all projects made at Epitech