Python email address and Mime parsing library
Simple email parsing for Golang
✉️ Email reply parser library for Python
PHP library for parsing plain text email content.
PHP Raw Email Parser
Small library to parse plain text email content
An email parser written in PHP
A fully tested email parser for PHP 8.0+ (mailparse extension wrapper).
An RFC 5322 email address parser
Used to send Parse Server password reset and email verification emails though Mailgun
PHP Email address validator
翻译 - 受@dominicsayers isemail函数启发的PHP电子邮件地址验证程序库
A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service
Headless email client
Collection of RSpec/MiniTest matchers and Cucumber steps for testing email in a ruby app using ActionMailer or Pony
翻译 - RSpec / MiniTest匹配器和Cucumber步骤的集合,用于使用ActionMailer或Pony在ruby应用程序中测试电子邮件
Beautiful responsive email templates with code as beautiful as email templates can be
翻译 - 美丽的响应式电子邮件模板,其代码与电子邮件模板一样美丽
Node.js body parsing middleware
Visual email testing
翻译 - 视觉电子邮件测试
A email bomb/fake email tool, by Python
Responsive transactional HTML email templates
翻译 - 响应式事务HTML电子邮件模板
A Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars.
翻译 - 基于解析表达式语法的基于Ruby的解析DSL。
Preflight for HTML email
Email Newsletter