Website for Elixir
翻译 - Elixir网站
Elixir language support for the Atom editor.
📷 Instagram API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)
An @elixir-lang code-style enforcer that will just FIFY instead of complaining
💸 PayPal REST API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)
A community driven style guide for Elixir
Queue data structure for Elixir-lang
Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
List of Berlin companies using Elixir-Lang
Redis pool for Elixir lang
#编程语言#Elixir 是一种旨在构建可伸缩、可维护应用的动态、函数式编程语言,运行于Erlang虚拟器
Producer and consumer actors with back-pressure for Elixir
ExDoc produces HTML and EPUB documentation for Elixir projects
A Make compiler for Mix
Elixir grammar for tree-sitter
Online Elixir Installer powered by Inno Setup
a go-lang supervisor implementation
Publisher lang files for the Laravel Framework, Jetstream, Fortify, Cashier, Spark, Nova and UI from Laravel-Lang/lang.
Elixir Authentication
Go-Lang Clean Architecture
翻译 - HTTPS://rust-狼-nursery.GitHub.IO/rust-cookbook
💨 Writing Fast Elixir 😍 -- Collect Common Elixir idioms.
Elixir learning exercises
Go (lang) HTTP session authentication