Apache Camel 是一个实现EIP(企业集成模式)的框架,使您能够快速轻松地集成各种消费或生产数据的系统。
Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
Code for modern EIP examples
Free implementation of EtherNet/IP in C++
Repository that shows how to easily implement EIP2981
core contract of eip 4337 implementation
A web application showcasing the implementation and usage of EIP-6963 for Multi Injected Provider Discovery
Golang utility for signing EIP-712 payloads
Website that showcases EIP-1559 Burn
Implementations of EIP message routing patterns
EIP-4430 Smart Contract Prototype
EIP Draft: Identify NFT Content Type
EIP-2535 Diamond reference implementation using Hardhat and Solidity 0.8.*
Transfer EIP control to shellcode during malware analysis investigation
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
**源码支持QQ 1039318332 群 495070603 ** 请右上角关注此源码为方便.net开发人员知晓该源码 Core2版本:http://www.eipflow.com/ 用户名admin 密码 123456 入群获取数据库地址 一、更新记录1、更新日期:2017-02-24 00:00:002、更新内容: 版本升级:V2.0 1、支持多数据库,可在实体类指定具体操作数据库,可实现系...
EIP-1559 gas estimation library, using the estimation strategy of MyCrypto.
Example Application for Microservice API Patterns (MAP) and other patterns (DDD, PoEAA, EIP)
使用图形化的界面离线安装、维护、升级高可用的 K8S 集群
A Singleton MetaTx Processor using EIP-1776 that support all ERC20 tokens
the official eip website, in collaboration with crc gang and others
T-REX is a suite of smart contracts implementing the EIP 3643 and developed by Tokeny to manage and transfer financial assets on EVM blockchains
多功能DLL注入工具:远程线程注入、消息钩子注入、输入法注入、APC注入、EIP注入、注册表注入。Multifunctional DLL injection tools: remote thread injection, message hook injection, input method injection, APC injection, EIP injection, registry in...