The quickstarts demonstrate JBoss EAP, Jakarta EE 10 and a few additional technologies. They provide small, specific, working examples that can be used as a reference for your own project.
Sample JBoss EAP (WildFly) App for OpenShift
Proxy EAP packets between interfaces on Linux devices such as the Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter™ and UniFi® Security Gateway.
empirical asset pricing
an application platform base on AdminLTE
Evil client portion of EAP relay attack
Docker images for JBoss EAP
[DEPRECATED] - Ansible role to install JBoss EAP
企业管理平台(EAP)进销存的实现 - 已经用于自行车零售店
Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack EAP v201.15 魔改进行中...
Sample web application, which uses Kerberos authentication in WildFly and/or JBoss EAP.
Patch for hostapd and wpa_supplicant to attempt to exploit heartbleed on EAP-PEAP/TLS/TTLS connections
开放企业应用平台,整合各种开源项目作为企业应用快速开发的基础框架。 本次改版以芋道开源 YunaiV/ruoyi-vue-pro (MIT许可)为基础改版,整合OBPM、MSP、Jeecg等开源项目的部分模块,支持IM和基于AI的企业知识库。 OpenEAP前后端分离,采用后端Spring boot 2.x单体多模块,前端vue2+element-UI 主流路线,支持灵活升级到SpringClo...
This is zabbix discovery template and howto for monitoring Wildfly 10+, EAP 6+, Jboss
Puppet module to install, configure and manage Wildfly (8/9/10+), JBoss EAP (6.1+/7.0+) and some Wildfly based products like apiman, Keycloak and Infinispan.
翻译 - 用于安装,配置和管理Wildfly(8/9/10),JBoss EAP(6.1 + / 7.0 +)以及一些基于Wildfly的产品(如apiman,Keycloak和Infinispan)的Puppet模块。
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 container image
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 OpenShift container image