oneAPI DPC++ Library (oneDPL)
Video Representation Learning by Dense Predictive Coding. Tengda Han, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman.
An implementation of demixed Principal Component Analysis (a supervised linear dimensionality reduction technique)
Driver demonstrating how to register a DPC to asynchronously wait on an object
Implementation of paper "DPCRN: Dual-Path Convolution Recurrent Network for Single Channel Speech Enhancement"
Python SYCL bindings and SYCL-based Python Array API library
Assorted TeX packages
Lectures and Labs for Data Parallel Computing and DPC++. Sponsored by Intel Corporation.
Vim Smart Tabs
The codes的K-means,FCM,谱聚类,DBSCAN,AP(AffinityPropagation),DPC聚类算法比较
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