An open resource for Douban API with NETEASY Music's UI.
douban fm client for emacs
💿 a Hexo plugin that helps you generate content for Douban books, movies, music, and games.
A music downloader
An alternative choice to enjoy personalized music from
翻译 - [DEPRECATED]杜邦代码
Douban Java SDK OAuth2
Douban metadata provider for Jellyfin
Douban movie based on React
Distributed object storage server from Douban Inc.
Python client library for Douban APIs (OAuth 2.0)
Calibre new douban metadata source plugin. Douban no longer provides book APIs to the public, so it can only use web crawling to obtain data. This is a calibre Douban plugin based on web crawling.
OAuthClient QQ Weibo Weixin Douban Renren Amazon
Vue develops the actual Douban movie H5
IMDb + Rotten Tomatoes + Wikipedia on Douban Movie
Awesome douban DEMO created with Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + Superagent
翻译 - 使用Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + Superagent创建的超赞豆瓣DEMO
Multifarious Scrapy examples. Spiders for alexa / amazon / douban / douyu / github / linkedin etc.
翻译 - 各种各样的Scrapy示例。 Alexa / Amazon / douban / douyu / github / linkedin等的蜘蛛
Objective-C client library for Douban APIs (OAuth 2.0)
analysis of douban top250 movies data