🐳 A curated list of delicious docker recipes 🇺🇦🇮🇱 (Let's Fight Against Dictatorship)
Code for the post "Serial Dictatorships and House Allocation"
Prevents EADDRINUSE by killing processes listening on your favorite port
Images and other blobs for https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship
The lock counter-revolution is swift and strong. Now the lock-dictatorship requires locks...EVERYWHERE.
Simulate the RSD (Random Serial Dictatorships) algorithm.
NMNT project
小粉红小朋友们,新issue 在这儿开: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues # 21世纪新政宣言(2020年4月5曰笫四次修改稿)(2020年6月19曰第七次修改,以下“【】”内文字为非正文内容的说明)20世纪苏联的消亡和东欧的大变革,使这21世纪初的现中国大陆成为世界关注的最主要焦点和影响新世纪文明发展的关键。特别...