Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
Japanese dictation kit using Julius
AI-powered dictation tool
Dictation app based on the OpenAI speech-to-text models
Private voice keyboard, AI chat, images, webcam, recordings, voice control with >= 4 GiB of VRAM.
迅飞 语音听写 WebAPI - 把语音(≤60秒)转换成对应的文字信息,让机器能够“听懂”人类语言,相当于给机器安装上“耳朵”,使其具备“能听”的功能。
💬📝 A small dictation app using OpenAI's Whisper speech recognition model.
Dictation / Speech Recognition
A OS X menu bar utility that lets the user quickly switch dictation languages or turn the service off
Techmo Dictation Automatic-Speech-Recognition (ASR) gRPC client
Speech recognition framework allowing powerful Python-based scripting and extension of Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS), Windows Speech Recognition (WSR), Kaldi and CMU Pocket Sphinx
Dragonfly-Based Voice Programming and Accessibility Toolkit
Dragonfly scripts for Dragon NaturallySpeaking
New version of voice input button using new interface of iflytek voice dictation (the stream version). 基于讯飞新版语音听写(流式版) api 的语音输入按钮 vue 组件。