Some Service DCOM Object and SeImpersonatePrivilege abuse.
PowerShell and Cobalt Strike scripts for lateral movement using Excel 4.0 / XLM macros via DCOM (direct shellcode injection in Excel.exe)
Powershell script for enumerating vulnerable DCOM Applications
Lateral Movement technique using DCOM and HTA
Lateral Movement Using DCOM and DLL Hijacking
Launches Windows Agents using DCOM and WMI
A sugared version of RottenPotatoNG, with a bit of juice, i.e. another Local Privilege Escalation tool, from a Windows Service Accounts to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
翻译 - 从Windows服务帐户到NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM的糖化版本的RottenPotatoNG,带有一点汁液,即另一个本地特权升级工具。
Example of using Utgard with Android for OPC Dcom access.
D(COM) V(ulnerability) S(canner) AKA Devious swiss army knife - Lateral movement using DCOM Objects
Cobalt Strike beacon object file implementation for trusted path UAC bypass. The target executable will be called without involving "cmd.exe" by using DCOM object.