Database connection behaviour
Database connection pool component library for Django
Show db locking and collisions with multiple connections
Get db connection in request object
Handling database connections more easily
DB-API2 connection pool for Django (for postgresql, mysql and sqlite)
Securely store and manage username / password credentials either in your own database
Generic Database Connection Pooling for Delphi/Lazarus/FreePascal
Python interface to Oracle Database now superseded by python-oracledb
翻译 - 符合Python DB API 2.0规范的Oracle数据库的Python接口。
An example of a DB connection pool written in Go using a master/worker pattern
.NET Core WebAPI template with JWT token auth, DB connection, Health checks and HTTP client proxy examples.
Connection behaviour for connection processes
DB Engine
Sync a remote DB to a local DB
Scalable PostgreSQL connection pooler
翻译 - 可扩展的PostgreSQL连接池
Golang connection multiplexing library
翻译 - 连接库多路复用库
Vulncode-DB project
翻译 - Vulncode-DB项目
Cross platform Mongo DB management
grpc connection pool
lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
翻译 - PostgreSQL的轻量级连接池
Generic connection pooling for Ruby
翻译 - Ruby的通用连接池
Ridgepole is a tool to manage DB schema. It defines DB schema using Rails DSL, and updates DB schema according to DSL. (like Chef/Puppet)
ping over a tcp connection
ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
翻译 - ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager,带有网络强制门户