Various tools for working with Data URLs, incl. web application (, Mac OS X GUI app, command line tool, Perl modules and Apache module.
Data URL Schemes in Golang
A webpack loader which loads SVG file as utf-8 encoded DataUrl string.
✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.
Angular image to data URL converter module
😹 convert SVGs to DataURLs
A remark plugin for Markdown that replaces mermaid graphs with dataurls
Small node.js module for dealing with dataurls
A library to create and parse RFC 2397 data urls.
基于 SignaturePad 实现的移动端手写签名组件,支持横竖屏,自定义生成图片旋转角度(旋转角度需为90的倍数,默认生成横向),返回dataURL。