Database of Zigbee devices compatible with third party gateways: ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT, Tasmota, Zigbee4Domoticz, ioBroker,
☁️ Cloud-native database gateway and framework for building data-driven applications ✨ Like API gateways, but for databases ✨
Demo project for Spring Boot Cloud Gateway Route from Database
Programmable database gateway
A portable and scalable SCADA/IIoT-I4.0/Gateway platform centered on the MongoDB database server.
#Mysql高可用中间件#ShardingSphere 是一个用于分表分库的数据库中间件,由JDBC、Proxy 和 Sidecar组成
Database Gateway and ORM for Dart
Reference microservice solution built with the ABP Framework and .NET, runs on Kubernetes with Helm configuration, includes API Gateways, Angular and ASP.NET Core MVC applications, PostgreSQL and Mong...
Part of OpenEnergyMonitor project. Gateway from data source to target database.
An example implementation of a mobile backend for a movies database using AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDb
WebThings Gateway - a self-hosted web application for monitoring and controlling a building over the web
翻译 - WebThings网关
APISIX 是一个云原生、高性能、可扩展的微服务 API 网关
The Cloud Native Webhooks Gateway
翻译 - Fast and Secure Webhooks Service.
Dashboard for managing Kong gateway
Kusk-gateway is an OpenAPI-driven API Gateway for Kubernetes
The Helium Gateway
Database testing made easy!
ISO 8583 gateway
[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the Illuminate Database component (see laravel/framework)
翻译 - [只读] Illuminate数据库组件的子树拆分(请参见laravel / framework)
Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence 👽
翻译 - PlatformIO是用于嵌入式开发的新一代生态系统:Alien:
Manages Envoy Proxy as a Standalone or Kubernetes-based Application Gateway