Celestia Data Availability Nodes
A fork of CometBFT
Code samples for Enhance your service availability and data locality using Azure Traffic Manager
DEPRECATED - Eth2 data availability sampling - Testground plan
Research prototypes of Data Availability Sampling for Ethereum (WIP)
Sample python scripts for automation workflows for feature sets present in Catalyst Switching using openly available YANG data models
This project is a repository of sample code that will demonstrate various concepts to assist developers in building applications around Oracle Database technologies. SDKs and scripts will be available...
Data Availability Sampling (DAS) on a Discovery-v5 DHT overlay
Codes and sample data supporting the Dutch Microbiome Project. The preprint is currently available at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.11.27.401125v1 and full data can be requested from EG...
FFT, data-recovery and KZG commitments, a.k.a. Kate commitments, in Go - *super experimental*
A tool for data sampling, data generation, and data diffing
Service to replicate InfluxDB data for high availability
pure data live sampling-mashup tool
A high availability MySQL cluster that guarantees data consistency between a master and slaves.
翻译 - 高可用性MySQL群集,可确保主服务器和从服务器之间的数据一致性。
Go implementation of two dimensional Reed-Solomon merkle tree data availability scheme.
Sampling profiler for Python programs
翻译 - Python程序的采样探查器
MoHA(Mobike High Availability): A MySQL/Postgres high availability supervisor
Domain availability checker.
PostgreSQL cloud native High Availability and more.
翻译 - PostgreSQL云原生高可用性等。
High availability RabbitMQ client
Seata compatible high availability server
翻译 - 兼容Seata的高可用性服务器
Extremely simple and fast word2vec implementation with Negative Sampling + Sub-sampling
Superpixel Sampling Networks (ECCV2018)
High Availability Raft Framework for Go