Curvature Filters are efficient solvers for Variational Models
Find roads that are the most curvy or twisty based on Open Street Map (OSM) data.
Curvature assignment for Geometry Processing course
翻译 - 几何处理课程的曲率分配
A python library to compute the graph Ricci curvature and Ricci flow on NetworkX graph.
Calculate the curvature of discrete points
Curvlearn, a Tensorflow based non-Euclidean deep learning framework.
Mean Curvature Skeletons (i.e. curve-skeleton extraction via mean curvature flow)
A visual interactive cloud provisioning system
DetectGPT: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection using Probability Curvature
Second Order Optimization and Curvature Estimation with K-FAC in JAX.
TUM Roborace Team Software Stack - Path tracking control, velocity control, curvature control and state estimation.
A pipeline that can detects lane boundaries, predicts upcoming curves, and measures lane curvature.
Code accompanying "Sketching Curvature for Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection for Deep Neural Networks"
Linear MPC for Lane Keeping and Obstacle Avoidance on Low Curvature Roads - Paper Application
Use segmentation networks to recognize lane lines and vehicles. Infer position and curvature of lane lines relative to self.
Natural Gradient Descent using Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature, implemented in Pytorch for linear and convolutional layers
This is open-source code for the paper Curvature: A signature for Action Recognition in Video Sequences
This is our working repository for the project - spine curvature estimation. It contains all the implementation codes and results of our approach.