Kubernetes custom controller and CRDs to managing Airflow
Faros is a CRD based GitOps controller
Experimental CRD controller for managing Helm releases
Lightweight Kubernetes controller for CRDs
Kubernetes CRD controller for Kafka topic as event source for Kubeless functions
Kubernetes CRD controller for http invocation of Kubeless functions
Kubernetes CRD & Controller for OpenFaaS
a demo of how to run a python custom controller with crd on kubernetes
In your Kubernetes, upgrading your nodes
Example code, containing microfrontend host, 3 sample microfrontends and k8s controller for Microfrontend CRD
Kubernetes based CRD and controller for synchronizing google secret manager data to k8s application
Application metadata descriptor CRD
Configurable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler - CRD for k8s
Kubernets CRD: extend k8s resource
A Kubernetes CRD for prefetching container images onto nodes.
[ICLR 2020] Contrastive Representation Distillation (CRD), and benchmark of recent knowledge distillation methods
A k8s CRD and operator for Elasticsearch indices
Native Kubernetes Solution for TARS Services. Operator + CRD is adopted.
A CRD to map Google Cloud managed secrets to k8s
Sidecar container that watches Kubernetes Snapshot CRD objects and triggers CreateSnapshot/DeleteSnapshot against a CSI endpoint.
Ingress NGINX Controller for Kubernetes
翻译 - 用于Kubernetes的NGINX入口控制器
Automation of Interactive Brokers TWS. You can download the latest release here: https://github.com/ib-controller/ib-controller/releases/latest
🪁 利用 CRD 实现一个 mini-k8s-proxy
Kiibohd Controller
翻译 - Kiibohd控制器
Open Source Flight Controller Firmware
翻译 - 开源飞行控制器固件
Vim Space Controller