Open source courseware for Git and GitHub
翻译 - Git和GitHub的开源备忘单
Courseware setup and information for instructors
In this repository you will find TinyML course syllabi, assignments/labs, code walkthroughs, links to student projects, and lecture videos (where applicable).
Courseware for computer system security course at HIT
CHIPS 7.7 Starter Code
翻译 - CHIPS 7.7 入门代码
A collection of interactive lecture notes and assignments in Jupyter notebook format.
BuddyPress Courseware
PCRaster Tutorials Open CourseWare
Multi-sensor fusion for localization courseware, 深蓝学院, China
Learning using WebGL, Three.js and Babylon.js – articles, useful resources, courseware, personal notes
📚 东南大学计算机学院课件
📚 吉林大学计算机课件
📖 国防科大计算机课件
📚 天津大学计算机课件
北京邮电大学 理学院 数学系 信息与计算科学专业 课件
机器学习深度学习相关书籍、课件、代码的仓库。 Machine learning is the warehouse of books, courseware and codes.
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