A tera-proxy module able to change your client-side appearance.
Extremely hacky Android pipboy for cosplay
Turn your 2-D wife(anime image) to 3-D wife(cosplay image) or opposite using DCGAN!
Pytorch official implementation of Anime to Real Clothing: Cosplay Costume Generation via Image-to-Image Translation.
POC of a Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup scoreboard keeper for the Cosplay challenges
vb.net project that modifies in-game gear and stats based on the last hit entity
Low budget VirusTotal Intelligence Cosplay
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Files and software to create the First Wave ISAC Beacon cosplay prop from Tom Clancy's The Division
This is the last HTML and CSS project from Microverse program, It's a mock-up of a ZATTIX web designed by Mohammed Awad on Behance, it's built on HTML and CSS3 languages using Sass.
ESP32 application to change a voice to be eg stormtrooper or dalek sounding, either in real time for cosplay or as a recording. Recordings can be downloaded to the browser as a WAV file for playback o...
后端通过Thinkphp5实现数据信息抓取基于Thinkphp5 +phpQuery 整理的API接口 + 招聘信息抓取(前程无忧/智联招聘/boss直聘/拉勾网)数据接口 + 新闻分类(头条/军事/娱乐/体育/科技/艺术/教育/要闻)数据接口 + 视频分类(精品视频/搞笑视频/美女视频/体育视频/新闻现场)接口 + 图片(cosplay)、美图相册接口 + 段子笑话接口 + 天气预...