Implement for ``Learning Deep Features via Congenerous Cosine Loss for Person Recognition''
mnist classify using center loss
Implementation of the large margin cosine loss
An unofficial Gluon FR Toolkit for face recognition.
翻译 - 用于面部识别的非官方Gluon FR工具包。
I have modified kaldi that adds CTC loss function and cosine loss fuction, and others
Methods used: Cosine Similarity with Glove, Smooth Inverse Frequency, Word Movers Difference, Sentence Embedding Models (Infersent and Google Sentence Encoder), ESIM with pre-trained FastText embeddin...
PHP implementation of the (Weighted Slopeone,Cosine, Weighted Cosine) rating-based collaborative filtering schemes.
[NAACL 2021] This is the code for our paper `Fine-Tuning Pre-trained Language Model with Weak Supervision: A Contrastive-Regularized Self-Training Approach'.
Deep Cosine Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
An alternative to convolution in neural networks
翻译 - A Sharpened Cosine Similarity layer for PyTorch
ATL(Angular Triplet Loss):A new loss function based on sphereface & triplet loss
Implementation of some unbalanced loss like focal_loss, dice_loss, DSC Loss, GHM Loss
MS-Loss: Multi-Similarity Loss for Deep Metric Learning
PyTorch Implementation of Focal Loss and Lovasz-Softmax Loss
label-smooth, amsoftmax, partial-fc, focal-loss, triplet-loss, lovasz-softmax. Maybe useful
PyTorch code for softmax variants: center loss, cosface loss, large-margin gaussian mixture, COCOLoss, ring loss
Equipment Loss Tracking
The Contextual Loss
GPU accelerated Faster Mean-shift for cosine embedding clustering
A content based movie recommender system using cosine similarity
pytorch structural similarity (SSIM) loss
Music Recommendations with Collaborative Filtering and Cosine Distance
The brief implementation and using examples of object detection usages like, IoU, NMS, soft-NMS, SmoothL1、IoU loss、GIoU loss、 DIoU loss、CIoU loss, cross-entropy、focal-loss、GHM, AP/MAP and so on by Pyt...