Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
翻译 - Cordova本地通知插件
Cordova Local-Notification Plugin iOS9 Compatible w/ Actions
added three things [1] notification sound loop. [2] lollipop and marshmallow headsup notification [3] wake up app on notification trigger
Cordova Plugin for Local Push Notifications
Simple app using ionic framework to demostrate ng-Cordova Local Notification plugin.
Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
cordova plugin for push notification
The local notification plugin provides a way to show local notifications from .Net MAUI and Xamarin Forms apps .
Apache Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
翻译 - Apache Cordova插件inappbrowser
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Local Notification Using AlarmManager
Cordova plugin for CodePush
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Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
Ionic Keyboard Plugin for Cordova
翻译 - 适用于Cordova的离子键盘插件
Apache Cordova Status Bar Plugin
Apache Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Apache Cordova Vibration Plugin