Cordova iOS plugin exposing the WebRTC W3C API
Cordova plugin for the iOS HealthKit framework
[DEPRECATED] - Cordova plugin to support Universal/Deep Links for iOS/Android.
A modified version of the Cordova iOS Share extension (cordova-plugin-openwith) by Jean-Christophe Hoelt for iOS. Supports receiving shared URLs, text and images as well as sharing several images at o...
JPush's officially supported PhoneGap/Cordova plugin (Android & iOS). 极光推送官方支持的 PhoneGap/Cordova 插件(Android & iOS)。
Cordova iOS 6+ File XHR Plugin
➕ Cordova plugin to login with Google Sign-In on iOS and Android
A lightweight cordova plugin for in app purchases on iOS/Android
Cordova Plugin for fingerprint sensors (and FaceID) with Android and iOS support
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin Permission Settings for NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in iOS 11 by adding a declaration to the Info.plist file, see:
Cordova plugin to support iAd on iOS
📋 ActionSheet plugin for Cordova iOS and Android apps
ListPicker Plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap (iOS and Android)
#IOS#Apache Cordova iOS
翻译 - Apache Cordova iOS
A Document Viewer cordova/phonegap plugin for iOS, Android and Windows
Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
翻译 - Cordova本地通知插件
Apache Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
翻译 - Apache Cordova插件inappbrowser
Apache Cordova Plugin camera
Apache Cordova File Plugin
PhotoViewer Cordova Plugin
Apache Cordova Plugin splashscreen
Cordova plugin for CodePush
Apache Cordova Geolocation Plugin