🛰️ Ansible role for Hashicorp Consul clusters
Demonstrates how to create a resilient Consul cluster on AWS, using Terraform. Companion to my article on dwmkerr.com.
Wrapper cookbook which installs and configures a Consul cluster.
Rasberry Pi cluster running Hashicorp datacenter infrastructure (nomad, vault, consul)
Terraform to setup a consul cluster interacting with a nomad cluster
📗 Terraform Module for Nomad clusters with Consul on GCP
A tool to bench Consul Clusters
build a demo consul stack in vagrant with puppet and spring boot
Postgresql HA cluster in docker using Patroni and Consul.
Automated database platform for PostgreSQL® — the open-source alternative to cloud-managed databases.
Dockerized Consul
Consul client
Consul 是一个分布式,高可用的服务发现和服务配置微服务组件。具有服务发现、健康检查、Key/Value存储、多数据中心等特点。
Spring Cloud Consul
GO Micro 搭建 Consul服务发现集群实例
Python client for Consul (http://www.consul.io/)
Exporter for Consul metrics
Ansible role for consul
Running HashiCorp's Consul on Kubernetes
API Condenser / Reverse Proxy using Kestrel and Consul, Including light weight consul lib
Official Docker images for Consul.
.NET API for Consul (http://www.consul.io/)
External service monitoring for Consul
Java Client for Consul HTTP API
Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH
Dynamic haproxy configuration using consul
HashiCorp Cloud Platform (Vault, Consul, Boundary) with Argo CD and Kubernetes