web interface for Docker Compose
Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose, published by Packt
#安卓#Kotlin 快速反应式桌面和 Web UI 框架,基于 Google 的现代工具包并由 JetBrains 为您提供。Compose Multiplatform 简化并加速了桌面和 Web 应用程序的 UI 开发,并允许 Android、桌面和 Web 之间广泛的 UI 代码共享。
Build terminal UI in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose
A .NET Core based, WebView2 using UI Container for hybrid web-desktop applications
A docker-compose example of HA Consul + Vault + Vault UI
A Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
Swipe gesture actions for Compose UI
Compose Multiplatform UI components for iOS (Cupertino Widgets)
JetInstagram is an Instagram UI clone app built with Jetpack Compose.
Jetpack Compose UI components examples
Neumorphism UI on Android with Jetpack Compose.
JetBrains style UI kit for Compose Desktop.
Bringing Kotlin Compose UI to Minecraft
Jetpack compose UI for Minecraft
Decathlon Design System UI components for Compose applications
A meter to-do list built with Compose UI Multiplatform, Wear Compose, SQLDelight, Koin Multiplatform, Glance, ...
A jetpack compose clone of Android 10 Calculator UI
Android -Jetpack Compose-Whats App Ui
Video UI Component for Jetpack Compose (Powered by androidx.media3)
Media player (AndroidX Media3/ExoPlayer) UI for Jetpack Compose
An experimental UI toolkit for generating PowerPoint presentation files using Compose
A Slack demo app for desktop using Jetpack Compose UI toolkit
Postgres, PostgREST, and Swagger UI conveniently wrapped up with docker-compose