Simple styleguide framework
Tips and tricks for making components shareable across different projects (framework agnostic) in React components
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Gulp plugin for automatic visual testing SC5 StyleGuide components
Ready to use Web Components in alignment with the SIX Corporate Styleguide
A React component that takes in other components and organizes them into an easy to use styleguide.
This loader parses markdown files and converts them to a React Stateless Component. It will also parse FrontMatter to import dependencies and render components along with it’s source code. We develop... styleguide
翻译 - / sBin /样式指南/ Git /提交消息
Django styleguide used in HackSoft projects
Living styleguide for Rails
An overview of automatic living styleguide generators
Universal CSS styleguide generator for grunt. Easily integrate Styledocco or KSS styleguide generation into your development workflow.
翻译 - 适用于grunt的通用CSS样式指南生成器。轻松将Styledocco或KSS样式指南生成集成到您的开发工作流程中。
A frontend styleguide for the pragmatic.
📖 Opinionated CSS styleguide for scalable applications
#编码规范#Google 编码规范,含 C++、C#、Java、Python、JavaScript、HTML 等众多语言。
Automatically exported from
Styleguide for Modus design system
A tool to make creating and maintaining style guides easy.
Google 开源项目风格指南 (中文版)