A Python Compiler Design Toolkit
An open educational resource for Compiler Design
😓 rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility
A Python-level JIT compiler designed to make unmodified PyTorch programs faster.
A protobuf compiler plugin designed to generate GORM models and APIs for simple object persistence tasks.
My course design for compiler theory (Visualization).
These are my programs for compiler design lab work in my sixth semester
Design digital circuits in C. Simulate really fast with a regular compiler.
Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
翻译 - 从Web浏览器以交互方式运行编译器并与程序集交互
langcc: A Next-Generation Compiler Compiler
A compiler from AI model to RTL (Verilog) accelerator in FPGA hardware with auto design space exploration.
Clojure to JS compiler
chibicc 是一个简单的C语言编译器,实现了大多数C11特性。chibicc是作者为目前正在写的一本关于C编译器书而开发的
ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.
A Small C Compiler
翻译 - 小型C编译器
☃️ Possibly the smallest compiler ever
翻译 - :snowman:可能是有史以来最小的编译器
Shellcode Compiler
翻译 - Shellcode编译器
Emscripten是基于LLVM / Clang的编译器,用来将C和C++源代码编译为WebAssembly