Basic Authentication for Cloudflare Pages
Image Hosting solution, Flickr/imgur alternative, make it easy for users to share their images. Using Cloudflare Pages and Telegraph.
Cloudflare Pages
make your own free docker registry on cloudflare pages
My Cloudflare Custom Pages ,It is Beautiful!
CloudFlare 图床,基于 CloudFlare Pages 的免费图片托管解决方案,支持 Telegram Bot 和 Cloudflare R2 等多种存储方式!
Demo SvelteKit application running on Cloudflare Pages
Use Cloudflare pages and worker serverless to implement VLESS protocol
URL shortener / redirection service powered by Supabase, Cloudflare Workers, Workers KV and Cloudflare Pages.
在 CloudFlare Workers 或 Pages 部署 vless 节点,支持 Base64、Clash 及 Sing-box 配置文件订阅文件生成
Templates for Cloudflare Workers
Remix run stack built for the edge (cloudflare pages and d1)
Use Cloudflare Pages Functions as a reverse proxy with custom domain support.
🚀 Deploy your 🅰️Angular app to GitHub pages, Cloudflare Pages or any other Git repo directly from the Angular CLI! Available on NPM.
Library to use Jsoup on Android for web pages with Cloudflare
一款动漫图片搜索引擎聚合网站, 基于 Cloudflare 提供的 Pages Function. / A collection of anime image search engines, based on Cloudflare Pages Function.
Personal website 😊
Easily share files in multiple times with a single link! Built using Vue.js on Cloudflare Workers, with Durable Objects, R2 and Cloudflare Pages.
loconotion + Github Actions + Notion + GitHub Pages + Cloudflare Workers, Create a free website or build a blog.
The official Go library for the Cloudflare API
翻译 - Cloudflare v4 API 的 Go 库
Cloudflare Blog code samples
翻译 - Cloudflare博客代码示例